Tag Archives: Estateplanning

One of the many things individuals learned from the pandemic is that the unexpected can happen, and the best way to be prepared is to have a plan in place that meets your evolving circumstances. It is wise to proactively take stock of your physical and financial health throughout various stages of life and consider […]

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and 401(k)s serve an important purpose in estate planning, helping individuals begin saving during their prime earning years to provide a financially secure retirement in the future. Contributions to these plans today reduce your taxable income in the year of contribution and grow tax-deferred until you take distributions in retirement. However, […]

A financial plan is a written document that lays out your future financial, business and lifestyle goals and maps out comprehensive strategies for achieving them. Contrary to popular belief, financial planning is not just for the wealthy. Instead, it is a critical planning tool that can help individuals at all income levels make informed financial […]

It is increasingly common for pet owners to make provisions in their wills to provide ongoing care of their furry companions in the event they pass away or become unable to do so on their own. Moreover, all U.S. states and the District of Columbia allow their residents to establish pet trusts and set aside […]

Planning for retirement is often the last thing recent college graduates consider upon entering the job market and earning a steady income. However, there is no minimum age when people should start thinking about saving for the future, whether it is for the purchase of a new car or home, to support a growing family, […]

One of the most critical yet often forgotten steps in estate planning is preparing a surviving spouse to take over a family’s financial affairs. Even if you checked off all the boxes on your estate-planning to-do list, creating a will, properly titling accounts, naming beneficiaries and structuring assets for tax efficiency, your plan may fail […]

Engaging in estate planning is the best way to ensure your assets pass to your intended beneficiaries after death. The more detailed and specific language you use to draft your will, the better the chances that your wishes will be followed. However, consider what would happen if you drew up your will today, listing all […]

At some point, every parent must consider the possibilities of what will happen should they pass away before their children are old enough to care for themselves. This concern can be significantly more daunting when it involves special-needs children who may never become fully capable of living independently and supporting themselves. For these families, it […]

When second and third marriages result in the blending of two families, a complicated financial picture may emerge. Couples entering a second or third marriage bring with them ex-spouses, children from previous relationships and financial responsibilities, assets and liabilities that may carry deep emotional attachments. Addressing these delicate issues from the onset will help newly […]

Trusts have become an increasingly popular estate planning tool among individuals at all income levels who want to avoid probate and ensure the quick and private transfer of assets to their loved ones upon their death. This level of control complements the use of a will and provides users with the added peace of mind […]