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In this Relatable Finance episode, the South Florida finance guys mention common traits they observe among high-net-worth clients. They also converse about spending habits, work ethic, and the varied paths to financial success. Tune in to gain insights into how these characteristics can influence financial outcomes and discover practical tips to enhance your own financial […]

In this episode, the relatable finance guys discuss what the media means when they say rising interest rates and how this affects investors, borrowers and basically everyone. We also dive into how this has recently affected certain areas of the stock market.

This episode discusses some of the recent market volatility to start the year, and a recent market commentary letter from influential investor Jeremy Grantham.

In this episode, we discuss the various elements to the return you receive on investments including income, taxation and some of the different types of accounts you can invest through.

In this episode, the relatable finance guys discuss financial fraud, particularly the Madoff Ponzi scheme, and the regulations in place to protect investors from future fraud. This includes discussion on the SEC, FINRA and steps to take to keep your money safe.

In this episode, the relatable finance guys assess the current strength of the economy, the outlook for the coming year and how these could impact investable asset returns.

In this episode the relatable finance guys interview Will Beckham from NEA Insurance and discuss the various types of insurance available to individuals and families.

In this episode the relatable finance guys discuss various means of clean energy and how increased adoption could impact the markets.       To learn more about Provenance Wealth Advisors services click here or contact us at info@provwealth.com

In this episode the relatable finance guys share their views on the GameStop and AMC stock runs.      

In this episode the relatable finance guys talk about adding real estate to a portfolio.   To learn more about Provenance Wealth Advisors services click here or contact us at info@provwealth.com